The Path Ahead: MTC Australia's Next Youth Initiative
Commencing in August, 2021, this is a large and rigorous codesign project commissioned by MTC Australia, a Sydney-based NGO. MTC Australia was interested in where they could create maximum social impact in the lives of young people. Phase 1 commenced with a review of the research literature and a summary of the common factors that lead to the variety of issues commonly faced by youth in Australia as well a review of some of the evidence-based programs.
We then engaged 16 staff members from MTC Australia in online workshops to gather insights from their frontline experience in working with young people.
These findings were then analysed using the three theoretical lenses that had emerged from the literature review.
These insights led to a series of recommendations that were presented back to MTC Australia. They will choose an idea to take forward to Phase 2. In this phase we will recruit four young people to join the codesign team, including them in the interpretative process and inviting them to contribute in a meaningful way to decision making. The whole team will be trained and then facilitate a number of expert interviews and workshops with frontline staff, young people and other key stakeholders before the team produces a report to present to MTC Australia management. The final phase will involve the codesign team prototyping service ideas so that a full implementation plan can be produced. This project is a great example of the wonderful outcomes that can be achieved through a genuinely inclusive process with a client who has the highest ambitions for true and sustainable social impact.